You may think to write a small program to read from your web server log files, it will not be simple, you have to spend sometime to study web server log file, programming it open the log file by date, aggregate the data, filter the data, order the data, accept input from users and etc..
Wait a minute, there is a better way to do this: -
Thanks to Microsoft, they have provided a very powerful log analysis tool - Log Parser, now it is version 2.2, you can download it at There is also an unofficial Log Parser support website at
The beauty part of the Log Parser is it combines the power of SQL query to query the data like RDBMS. It can be output to chart, grid, XML, SQL and other formats.
I have execute the Log Parser in my IIS web server to trace my web pages usage on March 2005 by using the following log parser command plus SQL query:-
logparser -i:IISW3C -o:Datagrid "SELECT date, cs-uri-stem, count(*) AS ACCESS_PER_DAY FROM c:\winnt\system32\logfiles\w3svc1\ex0503*.log WHERE cs-uri-stem LIKE '/myreport/%.asp' GROUP BY date, cs-uri-stem ORDER BY DATE"
It gives me the output in Grid:-
date cs-uri-stem ACCESS_PER_DAY 2005-03-08 /myreport/A.asp 1 2005-03-08 /myreport/B.asp 2 2005-03-08 /myreport/A.asp 6
1 comment:
I have created a GUI Based Log file parser. Its only in beta now, and has a few quirks but its definitly worth checking out.
Alexander Higgins IIS Log File Parser
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